關聯法則所建構之推薦系統及視覺化 |
2012.11.29 - 30 |
現行推薦系統多半以分析使用者紀錄或是統計文章的熱門度來推薦熱門資料。在我們系統中,當使用者瀏覽文章時,會在頁面中鑲入關聯詞給使用者參考,系統也會自動推薦文章、其他相關主題關鍵字給使用者,透過知識關聯地圖的方法所推薦的文章與主題關鍵字能更貼切使用者的需求。實驗結果顯示,我們的系統可以將較有代表性、主題明確的專有名詞給留下,高度關聯的關鍵字在知識關聯地圖上會形成連線,讓使用者可以容易看出這篇文章代表這篇文章的幾個重要關鍵字。 |
協作式網頁內容出版與分享系統 |
2012.10.23 - 25 |
本研究提出一套協作式網頁內容出版與分享系統,網站擁有者可在網頁中加入本系統提供之按鈕嵌入碼,讓網頁瀏覽者點選按鈕後可方便 地透過本系統彙整網頁多媒體內容出版為電子書,或者可選擇閱讀、編輯其他已經出版的書。藉由多人協作編輯將知識與網頁的內容以書的形式結 合與儲存,可以整合多人的意見,使資訊快速累積,並可將電子書嵌入至個人網頁中分享,藉由分享將書本快速地傳播,亦可在分享的內容中繼續 編輯。本系統也可應用於教學中,讓師生之間可透過電子書來學習與紀錄,達成多元化的數位出版與數位學習。 |
Technical Aspects of Sustainable Digital Archives |
2012.10.21 - 26 |
In this paper, we will present efforts made by the Digital Archive Architecture Laboratory, Academia Sinica, for preserving and maintaining accessibility of contents through previously developed systems. We will primarily focus on the reliability of the archive system and the promotion of its diverse contents. Our long-term preservation procedure includes both data and software. In the area of preservation, we recommend digitization guidelines for data formats so that these valuable artifacts can be digitized at a level that is equivalent to state-of-the-art display quality. We will also provide format conversion services to convert digital objects to the latest common open format. The digital archive development and propose 9 standard operating procedures for each stage in the development of the digital archive system. In practice of software maintainability, we will preserve design documents at each stage of development. Currently, we are developing a management framework on the basis of distributed virtualization technology to host digital archive systems so that management cost can be minimized while systems can remain operational. |
開啟 |
發表人: |
Cheng-Hung Li, Wei-Chun Chung, Shiang-An Wang, Chia-Hao Lee, Chi-Wen Fann, Lee-Hom Lin, Jan-Ming Ho |
Design and Implementation of a Digital Video Archive System |
2012.07 |
A digital video archive system differs from a regular digital archive system in that it can manage video and audio content, as well as metadata textual documentation. We have developed advanced
technologies for managing a digital video archive, which enable us to build indexing systems for the quick retrieval, editing, and broadcasting of digital video content. This paper takes the Digital Museum
of Taiwan's Social and Humanities Video Archive Project as a case study, in order to demonstrate the role of information technology in developing digital video archive systems and digitizing video and
audio resources. By sharing the experience obtained and the technologies developed in our research, we hope to offer guidelines to digital content providers and researchers on the design and
implementation of digital video archive systems and their value-added services. |
開啟 |
發表人: |
H. A. Wang, Y. C. Lin, and J. M. Ho |
Collaboration for Digital Archiving and Open Government Data |
2012.06.19 - 20 |
Transforming archiving webpages to open data or combining with government data
will make information more useful. In this paper, we make the process about how we
transform webpages to open data..... |
Annotating photographs of places of interest in Taiwan – a multifaceted photo summarisation method based on TELDAP |
2012.03 |
In this paper, we propose a multifaceted photo summarisation approach that exploits a host of analytical techniques. The techniques include content-based image and colour analysis, as well as data mining techniques, which are used to annotate images with relevant information. The system also contains a user interface that provides users with an interactive recommendation method for image annotation, and helps them annotate their collections by suggesting several relevant annotation terms. The annotation database is integrated with related information obtained from the Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program in order to generate a relevant semantic snippet for each image..... |
開啟 |
發表人: |
Y. T. Hsiao, C. Y. Cheng, C. H. Li, Y. Z. Wang and H. A. Wang |
A Collaborative Content Publisher |
2011.09.25 - 30 |
We propose a web application called Collaborative Content Publisher (CCPublisher), which enables users to publish content and post their work on blogs or elsewhere. Users can participate in collaborative writing of the content posted on different web pages and synchronize each content version. A web annotation function is also provided for users to annotate multimedia content on the web pages. Users can integrate the annotated multimedia content with their collaborative work and update the annotation after the original annotation has been modified. Annotations of multimedia content in different versions of the collaborative work will be consistent if the same multimedia is used. With the CCPublisher, users can provide feedback on any web page, exchange ideas, and enrich the shared collaborative content as well as the web content. It therefore facilitates collaborative
learning and the efficient accumulation of knowledge.... |
開啟 |
發表人: |
W. N. Wang and H. A. Wang |
VCenter 典藏影音技術應用於媒體社群服務 |
2011.08.22 - 26 |
近年來隨著網路多媒體內容爆炸性的迅速成長與社群網站交流互動的日益熱絡,一則發佈在網路上的多媒體內容,隨時可能爆發成為網路上的熱門話題。傳統新聞媒體近年來也發覺到網路熱門話題資訊意味著大量的收視觀眾,紛紛於新聞播報中分享網路熱門話題。在這個與華視電視合作的計畫中,我們探討創新新聞媒體環境可行作法,並試圖建構一個線上公共媒體園地,包括讓使用者能於網路上分享拍攝的事件畫面、自製新聞內容清單,和參與探討新聞內容,.... |
運用數典資源產生相片自動註解系統 |
2011.08.22 - 26 |
近年來,行動裝置與數位相機的普及,以及休閒生活的風氣大開,卻為此打開了另一扇窗;使用者於假日出遊後,總會產出大量的旅遊相片,其中不乏人文、古蹟等景點,但是往往不知道該景點背後的歷史文化意涵。因此,本系統於數位典藏計畫iPicBox.tw圖像分享網站上,建立一個與數位典藏與數位學習成果入口網結合的旅遊相片自動註解數位內容之機制,以期透過此一機制,除了提供使用者一個方便的旅遊內文產生功能外,更能夠經由典藏內容,潛移默化地提升一般大眾的人文素養。 |
創造一個喜聞樂見的線上數位特展:視覺化再現譚延闓的文言文日記 |
2011.08.22 - 26 |
中央研究院數位典藏民國第一任行政院長譚延闓250萬字日記,為了提高數位典藏內容的能見度與使用性,中研院規劃「筆墨譚心:延闓日記」特展網站,運用資訊科技結合史料內容,以視覺化的創意手法,再 現民初政治家的生命故事,提供大眾另一種親近與近用史料的管道。 |
開啟 |
發表人: |
城菁汝、張嘉玲、蔡幸真、吳靜雨、王祥安、林玉雯、張仰賢 |
從學術資料庫到創意網站:譚延闓22年日記案例分析 |
2011.04.13 |
本文探討如何以新的媒體技術將典藏內容進行全新的視覺化再現與詮釋,如運用「斷詞技術」找出1895-1930年 每本日記最常出現的6個關鍵詞,嘗試透過這些關鍵詞建構出中西文化交流下,知識份子關心焦點的轉變。此外,也應用「電子圖章」與「漢字構型資料庫」設計交換日記小遊戲,仿古人寫書法日記,吸引更多的網路使用者瀏覽「筆墨譚心」網站。 |
開啟 |
發表人: |
城菁汝、蔡幸真、吳靜雨、王祥安、張嘉玲、林玉雯、張仰賢 |
Annotating Photographs of Interested Places in Taiwan - A Multifaceted Photo Summarization Method Based on TELDAP |
2011.03.16 - 19 |
Taiwan's interested places are possessed of multicultural characteristic from different times, ages, and eras, because it was governed by several colonial powers in the past. However, people may experience some difficulties when they visit such places. Therefore, it's an important issue that how to rapidly find out those relevant history background in a short period of time and make those photos which have taken by users tell stories by photos of interested places in Taiwan.
In this paper, we propose a multifaceted approach to photo summarization, taking advantage of a host of analytical techniques. These techniques include content-based image and color analysis, ..... |
開啟 |
發表人: |
Yu-Ting Hsiao, Chun-Yuan Cheng, Cheng-Hung Li, Yu-Zheng Wang, Hsiang-An Wang |
Annotating Photographs of Places of Interest in Taiwan - a Multifaceted Photo Summarization Method Based on TELDAP |
2011.03.16 - 19 |
In this paper, we propose a multifaceted photo summarization approach that exploits a host of analytical techniques. The techniques include content-based image and color analysis, as well as data mining techniques, which are used to annotate images with relevant information. The system also contains a user interface that provides users with an interactive recommendation method for image annotation, and helps them annotate their collections by suggesting several relevant annotation terms. The annotation database is integrated with ... |
開啟 |
發表人: |
Yu-Ting Hsiao, Chun-Yuan Cheng, Cheng-Hung Li, Yu-Zheng Wang, Hsiang-An Wang |