
The Digital Archives Architecture Lab (DAAL) is a working group that provides services, such as systems analysis, construction of systems and consulting services for content holders and service providers. DAAL has developed a set of useful archiving technologies for metadata management, image and video archiving, data format transformation, unencoded Chinese character processing, full text searching, digital rights management, huge image presentation, video broadcasting, and video content analysis. With these technologies, we have constructed about 30 digital archive systems for the National Digital Archive Program and the Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archive Program, i.e., TELDAP. To disseminate the huge amount of high-quality digital contents of TELDAP and encourage users to archive and share their own digital contents, we are developing several services to implement the concepts of Web 2.0. The services include 1) VCenter, a video archive and sharing platform based on video streaming technology; and 2) Mozop, a location service that combines user-generated information with web-mining technology to provide location-based information about daily life in Taiwan, e.g., a restaurant guide and the locations of government agencies.
 何建明 Jan-Ming Ho 博士,
 Computer Science ,
 Northwestern University
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 簡立峰 Lee-Feng Chien 博士,
 Computer Science ,
 National Taiwan University
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 陳祝嵩 Chu-Song Chen 博士,
 Computer Science and Information
 Engineering, National Taiwan
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 李漢銘 Hahn-Ming Lee 博士,
 Computer Science ,
 National Taiwan University
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sa  王祥安
 Hsiang-An Wang
 Chia-Hao Lee
 You-Sheng Li
 Charles Lee
eva  李政宏
 Cheng-Hung Li
 Mei-Xue Wang
 Ginny Huang
uni  洪夢麟
 Meng-Lin Hung
taihsun  吳泰勳
 Taih-Sun Wu
stanly  方俞喬
 Yu-chiao Fang
ts  黃翰隆
 Han-Lung Huang
uni  鐘緯駿
 Wei-Chun Chung
stanly  許宏敏
 Hung-Ming Hsu
ts  林書宇
 Shu-Yu Lin
ts  王佑鈞
 Yu-Chun Wang
 Yu-Chuan Tsai
 Chi-Wen Fann
 Tzu-Fan Chung
 Hui-Ping Chen
augcat  林欣慧
 Hsin-Hui Lin
 Jui-ling Hwang
eiga  張益嘉
 I-Chia Chang
johan  洪崇熙
 Chung-Hsi Hung
bluecity  陳貴青
 Guey-Ching Chen
eddy  林金龍
 Chin-Lung Lin
joyce  陳心渝
 Hsin-Yu Chen
kulun  黃國倫
 Ku-Lun Huang
mango 蕭人豪
 Jen-Hao Hsiao
 Yu-Cheng Wang
 Te-Jun Lin
 Cheng-Hsiung Yang